The Passion Trap

The Passion Trap (why following your passion may not be the answer)

Have you heard that to make your millions all you need to do is find your passion? Be passionate about something and you will become a success!

I think it’s time we had a little reality check and we need to ask ourselves a few questions.

What is my passion?

Passion: an intense desire or enthusiasm for something.

So you’ve heard this saying before but you then find yourself in a trap of trying to figure out what your passion actually is. So much pressure to find that ‘one’ thing that you could spend the rest of your days doing.

Yeah you like ‘stuff’, perhaps you’re like me, you like lots of ‘stuff’, but is there that ‘one’ thing that is your true passion? The ‘one’ thing that you are supposedly put on this earth to do. It’s easy to get in an endless loop – you start over thinking it and paralysis sets in, then you feel like a failure.

You get so wound up on trying to figure out what it is, it’s likely you’re not going to find it, it’s going to find you.

Is it viable?

Perhaps you are lucky enough to have found your passion. You know what you love doing and could happily do it for the rest of your days. But what if your passion is watching TV? Is it always possible to make a viable business off your love for watching TV?

Perhaps you can think of ways to monetize your passion, an ebook, an online course, a blog – but at the end of the day is there a need for what you’re offering? Will people actually pay good money for it? Your passion and idea need to be marketable.

Do you have the drive?

The reason why people say you must be passionate about what you do is because it gives you the drive to get stuff done.

You don’t blink that you’ve just spent 14 hours behind the computer writing your new ecourse. You don’t care that you miss out on social outings because you’re locked away with your laptop writing your next ebook. You don’t care that you’re missing out on sleep because you’re blogging every day before and after your day job.

You love what you do and even though on the outside it may appear like you’re working really hard, it actually doesn’t feel like work for you.

Are you risking it all?

Be warned, hard work can kill passion. I’ve seen it before. You work so hard that what you once loved becomes a chore, it’s no longer a passion. Are you prepared to take that risk? Is it better to keep your passion as a hobby or the place you visit to recharge your batteries? It’s something to consider.

Having a passion for something alone is not going to make a successful business. Don’t get me wrong, actually loving what you do is a key component to giving you that drive. What really makes things happen is actionable goals, an offering that is of value to people and a lot of hard work.

Lots and lots of hard work.


This article was originally posted in Issue #3 of ROOOAR Magazine – get your free copy now.