avoiding website overwhelm

The overwhelm of getting a new website

When it comes to getting your first ever website it can be incredibly overwhelming to just make the start.

You’ll be asked all sorts of questions that you have no idea how to answer. You’ll hear all this technical jargon that you’ve never heard before and it will just confuse you 1000x more.

To avoid the overwhelm having a good understanding of what YOU want is a great place to start so here are my 3 tips to help you get clarity when you’re jumping into getting your brand new website

1. Define the overall goal of your website

Ask yourself these questions – Why do you need a website? What is it’s sole purpose? How will it help my business? Generally your answers will revolve around some form of sales tool to sell your product or services, but dig deeper and think about how you think this will happen.

For example if provide services to your clients, you will need your website to clearly show your potential customers what you offer, how you offer it and how they can work with you. This translates to having a services page with information on your process, having a contact page that will easily allow your potential customers to reach out.

2. Get to know your audience

Understand who you will be creating this website for will help you define what you need and don’t need. If you are targeting a demographic who doesn’t have access to computers and does most of their internet searching on their phone, having a mobile first website will be a priority. If you are targeting the elderly a small font is not going to cut it and fancy animations will just distract them. Knowing who your client is will help you design your content in a way that is helpful to them.

Think about what potential road blocks may hinder your potential clients from hiring you.

3. Don’t over complicate things

A website is agile and responsive, it changes with you and your business. If you’re just starting out I highly recommend you start with a minimal viable product until you have an understanding of what your clients need. Be open to starting small and rejigging your site as your business grows and evolves.

Not sure where to start when it comes to starting your website? Get my free training series here that will help you get started online.